Alejandra León

✨ You asked me for A SIGNAL, here it is: Message from your guides - THE TREE 014

Dear seeker of truth,

At this very moment, you are at a crossroads where nothing seems to be flowing in your favor. Every step you take is hindered and you feel alone in the face of life. You may have experienced losses such as a job, a partner or a promising business. Faced with these setbacks, you've cried out to God, your guides and the universe for a sign. And here it is, the answer you've been longing for. Stay until the end, for your guides have led you here to receive the emotional, spiritual and physical release you so desperately need at this crucial time.

As I connect with the ancestral trees of Louisiana Northshore, I have channeled this message that I deliver to you today. In the countryside, autumn represents a time of harvesting, preservation and preparation for winter. Just as rural families gather the fruits and prepare their homes and bodies for the months ahead, you too are in a time of inner gathering and preparation for your next life cycle.

Autumn teaches us the importance of treasuring the accomplishments and experiences of the summer. It is a time of celebration and gratitude for what has been given. It is a time to remember the life lived, honor it and be grateful for it in all its fullness. But it is also a time of transformation. It is a time to transplant, to change things so that they may flourish in new lands. It is the moment to prune, to cut away the old and make way for the new. We cannot receive the new if we do not make room for it. Although it may be difficult to let go and let go, it is essential. Autumn shows us that we must undress, just like the trees, dropping the old leaves to prepare the buds that will bloom in the spring.

I understand your questions and dilemmas: "What should I let go of? How do I let go? Where do I let go?" I offer you several alternatives: holistic psychology sessions and therapies with Alejandra León, family constellations, channeling and therapeutic tarot. I invite you to explore these tools that will allow you to discover yourself in this present moment, to reconnect with yourself and with others. But above all, I invite you to explore your true identity. The current energy urges you to have the courage, bravery and determination to be fully YOU. You have the absolute right to be who you are, making the most of your sense of FREEDOM. Just as you seek to be yourself, it is also necessary to allow others to be who they are. When each of us accepts each other in our authenticity, we can look at each other, recognize each other and share from respect, love and justice, in a space of mutual freedom.

Let me accompany you on this journey of transformation and growth. Together, we will explore the paths that open before you and discover the magic and beauty that await you. Remember that you are always surrounded by guides and doctors from heaven who support you in your holistic healing process. Trust that this meditation I created while connecting with the ancient trees of Louisiana Northshore will be a source of light and transformation in your life.

With love and light,

Alejandra Leon

You can also deepen in this wonderful open course of**Psychology of the CHAKRAS**.




Videos to improve your self-esteem - Holistic Psychology

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