Alejandra León

Wisdom of an old woman

A few days ago I was shared this message that I find interesting, it reminds me of the older women, those wise grandmothers who were in the market place, in the streets of my land, in the countryside, those grandmothers of whom we all keep a memory.

OLD WISDOM... "Look, mija, so that you stop complaining, I am going to give you a few suggestions so that you can live well, and not just survive.... Look at me, I'm in the prime of my life and I'm still laughing!

1.- Be thankful for everything Don't complain, thank God that you are here, that you are going on, and that you are alive, just think that other people have already been taken life!

When you can eat... eat, when you can sleep... sleep, when you can enjoy... enjoy, when you can work .... work, and if you still can, have a few drinks, play with your children, make love or whistle, sing in the shower, and thank God that you are healthy. Don't spend it complaining,

if only I had, what a sacrifice! What a sacrifice, no m'ijita, there have always been and always will be ups and downs!

3.- If you can't sleep at night, if you are tossing and turning in bed, then get up and start doing something, fix a drawer, iron your blouse for tomorrow, start reading, because if you stay lying down with your eyes open... you're going to think all kinds of shit! And the worst thing is that you stand up and do them... Already by itself ......

4.- The big problems, those that are of the world, and that you hear on television, that if the planet is warming up, that if such and such country has already taken the money, that if the narcos..... those mija?, send them to the m........ you are not going to fix them! Then you don't even understand them, don't get mad! Let those who can, fix them. But you... take care of the ones that look smaller, those that are in your hands. Wake up, even if it's just for a while, take care of those, the rest, to hell with them!!!

5.- If they give you... take whatever they give you. Take it, take advantage of it, even if it's a kiss or a pendejadadita, because you live thinking that things are generated by you, but you don't know how they get to you.... so just grab it and don't get in a hurry!

6 .- Ahhh! but that if ... Do not grab what is not yours! or the bike, or the bag, or money, or the husband or lover of another, the other respect it, it belongs to another, everyone has his own, what he earns and what he deserves!

7.- Whatever you do, do it with desire, with a lot of desire and a lot of pleasure, and do it well or don't do it at all, forget about envy, you your thing because you don't know how much you are worth....

Help and listen to your friends, do not speak ill of people, neither of the bastards, nor of the pendejas, be proud, but do not be arrogant or arrogant.

Be humble, not bent over; be brave, not reckless. When you win, smile, when you lose, don't make a fuss, and if you feel like it... cry.

9.- Never worry about what you don't have, about what you can't buy, how many bitches who have all the money in the world are in jail, sick in the head, or kept in a hospital, scared and insecure, or have an asshole husband, they are not happy, they don't know how to communicate, they don't have a family like yours.

You have something more valuable which is .... your people and your health.

10.- Fuck Death, let her be the one who worries about not being able to take you, and not you the one who worries because she is going to take you!

Like this? or clearer?

And, finally, mijita, if life gives you lemons ... What lemonade, no shit!!! '''TU PIDE TEQUILA Y SAL''' (Unknown Author)

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