Alejandra León

♡ What guides accompany your path to happiness?

There is a universe around us that accompanies and guides us along the way.

Some call them angels, masters, guides, gods, ascended masters, beings of light, deceased beings, among others. I believe that each one of us calls them according to our beliefs and convictions. Their presence (although we do not see them) encourages us, consoles us and above all helps us to follow that path of peace and happiness that we all long for. How many of us have not felt them, heard them, smelled them, perceived them, etc., throughout our lives?

In my sessions, I have discovered that much more than what is said or told, I believe there are no statistics about it. However, in this holistic and transpersonal universe they are ALWAYS present.

Intuitive channeling = clairvoyance

Since I was a child I have had the ability to receive information from my guides and teachers, it started with listening and sensing from my grandparents, and as I grew older the clairvoyance increased to listening and sensing from other teachers and guides.

♡ What guides accompany your path?

Magic is your guide

And finally after years of sharing this gift with my friends and family, I have decided to share it with you.

I invite you to get to know intuitive channeling my new line of accompaniment from a loving place full of infinite possibilities.
You can book your session now.

More details in my profile.

Dreamcatcher Oracle