Alejandra León

Understanding dream messages during bereavement: a holistic perspective

Here you have Chapter 11. How to understand dream messages during bereavement: a holistic perspective?, from my open course 💭💭 How to interpret dreams and understand their messages 💭.

Grief can affect people in different ways, and this can also manifest in the type of dreams they may have during this time. Here are some common types of dreams that people may experience during bereavement:

  • Dreams of the deceased: It is common for people to dream of loved ones who have passed away, especially in the early stages of grief. These dreams can be comforting or distressing, depending on the nature of the dream and the person's relationship with the deceased.
  • Nightmares**: Bereavement can also cause nightmares, which may be related to the person's feelings of loss, guilt or other difficult emotions. These dreams can be very distressing and can cause further anxiety and sleep disturbances.
    -Dreams of closure: Some people may have dreams in which they receive closure or resolution of unresolved issues with the deceased or others. These dreams may provide a sense of comfort and closure to the person.
    -**Dreams of reunion: It is also common for people to dream of being reunited with loved ones who have passed away. These dreams can be very vivid and emotionally intense, and can bring a sense of comfort or reassurance to the person.
    -Transformational dreams: Bereavement can also give rise to transformational dreams, in which the person experiences a significant personal or spiritual transformation. These dreams may be symbolic of the person's journey through grief and their healing and growth process.

It is important to keep in mind that each person's experience of grief is unique, and this can also affect the type of dreams they may have. If you experience distressing dreams or other sleep disturbances during grief, it may be helpful to talk to a therapist or other mental health professional for support.

These are two podcasts:

**Holistic psychology and holistic healing take into account the totality of the human being, not only the mind, but also the body, spirit and energy. In this sense, dreams are a valuable tool in the healing process, as they can provide important information about our emotional, mental and spiritual state.

In the case of grief, dreams can be particularly significant, as they can help us process our emotions and find a path to healing. Some of the reasons why a consultation with me as a holistic healer can be helpful in this process include:

  • Dream Interpretation: to assist and provide a deeper understanding of your messages and meaning.

  • Emotional support: the loss of a loved one can be overwhelming, my sessions offer a safe space to process emotions and work through the grieving process.

  • Spiritual guidance that can help you find a sense of peace and connection with deceased loved ones.

Want to know more about Grief Coaching, here is my play list

26 lessons
5 hours of video content + exercises + sleep practice.
I invite you to follow the sequence of the list and listen to it as many times as you need.
🟣What can you learn in this introductory course to the dream universe?

  • Interpretation of dreams in a simple way.
  • How to analyze a dream?
  • How are our dreams classified * What are the different types of dreams?
  • Dreams in Transpersonal psychology.
  • How to program dreams?
  • What does it mean to have the same dream several times?
  • Lucid dreams
  • Dreams as a portal for the realization of projects and purposes.
  • Dreams, the body and health.
  • What does it mean to dream with ....
    And many more aspects of the oneiric universe.
    ✨Increase your connection, intuition and personal power✨.
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Want to see the full dream course, you have full access here

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