Alejandra León

Transform Your Life in 21 Days: 100 Powerful Affirmations to Raise Your Vibration and Boost Your Self-Esteem

Dear seeker of light,

Before I embark on my Louisiana Northshore adventure, I wish to share with you a transformative practice: gratitude. As a seer and healer, I deeply understand the power of gratitude in holistic healing and holistic psychology. I invite you to integrate gratitude into your daily life and experience how it can bring abundance and prosperity into your existence.

It is common for us to focus on what we lack or the areas in which we believe we fail. However, by shifting our attention to what we do have and what fills us with happiness, we will notice a transformation in our perspective and in our world. That is why I have created an audio that contains 100 gratitude affirmations designed to help you attract health, love and prosperity into your life.

If you want profound results, I recommend listening to these affirmations for 21 consecutive days, the time it takes to form a habit or lasting change. Remember that repetition strengthens a habit, so it is essential that you continue to practice gratitude in your daily life.

At first, it may seem strange to hear or repeat these affirmations, but I assure you that with practice you will become familiar with them and begin to experience significant changes in your life. I thank you for allowing me to reach deep inside you through these affirmations and invite you to listen to or repeat them at any time of the day: when you wake up in the morning, during your commute to work or before going to sleep.

Remember that what you attract to your life is in your thoughts, therefore, it is essential that you create and manifest what you desire. Gratitude is a powerful tool that can help you achieve this. If you would like to go deeper into this topic, I encourage you to book a session with me, where I will provide you with additional tools to cultivate gratitude in your life.

Dare to change your life through the power of giving thanks!

With love and light,

Alejandra Leon

Dreamcatcher Oracle