Alejandra León

The power of keeping a dream journal: Messages from the universe through your dreams and how to interpret them.

Here is Chapter 10. How to make a Dream Diary, from my open course 💭💭 How to interpret dreams and understand their messages 💭.

Dream journaling: how to do it and what are its benefits?

When I start a process of accompaniment in Holistic Therapy or Transpersonal Psychology, one question I usually ask is about the person's dream world, I am not talking about dreams - desires projected into the future (which also), but dreams related to "Sleep".

Usually people search on the internet or in a dream dictionary: Dream interpretation, Meaning of dreams - lucid dreams, premonitory dreams, dreams with animals, dreams with babies, dreams with death, etc...

But... this is really the meaning for you!

The interpretation of dreams and spiritual awakening

**One characteristic of dreams is that we find them confusing and irrational. However, for transpersonal psychology, dreams express deep, complex and paradoxical knowledge that are inaccessible to rational approach through metaphors, analogies and correspondences of their images. Because they are expressed through a symbolic language, it is necessary their translation or interpretation in the middle of a therapeutic work.

Dreams are very important because through them we can access to a very special magic, but above all to a universe of deep inner knowledge.

Most authors who have worked with dreams in psychotherapy give them a hidden meaning to be discovered. They are based on the fact that there is a metaphorical meaning included in the language and images that make up their content (Pesant and Zadra, 2004; Hill, 2000). For the authors who confer meaning on them, there would be two levels of meaning in the dream: the manifest content, composed of what has been dreamt, and the latent content, which would be the interpretation.

From Jung's perspective, dreams allow us to access the symbolic and profound meaning of our life experiences. They would be a symbol, in the sense of re-union, of bridge, with the singular needs of the psyche, and that is why Jung believed that they transmit possible paths of action in the face of the questions that have accompanied humanity since its beginnings.

How to make a dream journal?

Writing a dream journal is a useful tool for personal growth and self-awareness. Here I share with you some reasons why it is important to have a journal, how to do it and how to work with it, from this wonderful world of transpersonal psychology and Holistic therapy.

Benefits of keeping a dream journal?

Helps you remember more and more: Writing down your dreams regularly can help improve your ability to recall your dreams in more detail. The act of writing down your dreams in a journal can also help reinforce the importance of your dream life, making it easier to remember more of your dreams over time.

Identifying patterns and themes: by documenting your dreams, you may begin to see recurring patterns and themes that can offer insights into your subconscious mind. For example, you may notice that you frequently dream about a certain person or situation, which can help you identify areas of your life that may need attention or resolution, emotional or energetic clearing, to cut those conscious or unconscious ties we hold with the past, an example of this is when you dream and dream about your ex, and don't understand the reasons why.

**Reflection and self-awareness: Reflecting on your dreams and their possible meanings can be a useful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. Dream work can offer a window into your deepest desires, fears and feelings, and can help you develop a better understanding of yourself and your emotional life, it is a very holistic way to see and know yourself as a multidimensional being.

Creative inspiration: dreams can be a rich source of creative inspiration, offering ideas for writing, art, music and other forms of expression. By keeping a dream journal, you can record your dream ideas and use them as a starting point for your creative projects.

Want to learn more, follow the videos I share with you, and of course the complete free dream interpretation course. A gift from my soul to yours.

How to start working and interpreting dreams?

  1. Choose a notebook that you like and dedicate it solely to fulfill the function of being your Dream Diary.

  2. Start writing down every morning all your memories as soon as you wake up. Try to include the following information:

Date: Although we usually dream between one day and another, it is easier to write down the date of the day you wake up.

Title: It should summarize the content of the dream so that it is easy for you to recall it. You can leave it for the end.

Dream story: Describe the dream as close as you can remember to what happened.

At first it may be difficult to determine what to write down and to distinguish thoughts that may be creeping into your waking mind from memories about your dreams. However, with practice, you will soon be able to recall the things the dream told you.

Include characters, symbols, colors, textures, feelings, actions (such as flying, running, swimming), interactions with other beings, shapes, and anything else the dream brought up.

You can also use the technique of identifying key words to help you decipher the dream.

Some dream journalers like to draw pictures or use different colors to express different emotions or themes in a dream (the colors themselves can be an important part of dream interpretation.

Comments: Describe here any sensations or anecdotes that you feel are necessary to enhance your later understanding of the dream. For example, if you woke up coughing, scared or in pain; if something relevant happened the day before that may be related to what you just dreamed, etc. All these things are important clues that can be the key to discovering the true message of the dream.

Classification: This is a point that I have found to be key, especially as we get further along in dream recording. Categorizing helps to understand, you can create categories such as

- Family

- Couple

- Relationships

- Work

- Friends

- Leisure

- Adventure

Recurring dream: this is important because when you dream permanently about something it is because there is an important message there and finally you will find a field where you can write what interpretation you gave to what you dreamt and a space for additional notes.

Should you start a dream journal?

Yes, without a doubt. And you can start by taking my free Dream Interpretation course. Learn how to decipher their message. Just make sure you find a suitable notebook and start writing....
Let's get started!


Keep your dream journal with you when you travel or go on vacation. Traveling or changing locations can also trigger memories of dreams you've already had, filling in the blanks, so to speak. Use this opportunity to jot them down and add them to your previous dreams.

Dreams should never be viewed literally.

They bring information about our life, they give us clues, they teach us...

We just have to learn to read them and follow them.

How do you interpret dreams? How do you know if a dream is a message?

By writing in your journal, you will be able to remember dreams much better, so they will start to become more vivid: they will look more "alive", with more colors and much more details. After a while you will begin to identify your "dream symbols". This is crucial to become aware! and keep on exapanding.

Here is an example of how to work with the messages of YOUR DREAMS What does it mean to DREAM OF PREGNANCY?

The Role of the Holistic Therapist in Dream Interpretation

The interpretation of dreams is an activity that takes place jointly between the therapist and the person who dreams, it only makes sense within the framework of such interaction.

In the first stages of an analysis in Holistic psychology, the therapist usually has a more active role in this activity, but it is expected that openness and permeability towards the contents of the unconscious will be one of the learning processes that the person will deploy throughout the accompaniment. The symbolic perspective that allows us to understand the messages of our dreams is then considered a resource or tool with which the person leaves once the psychotherapeutic process is over.

Do you want to start working with them in my Holistic Healing therapies? Do not hesitate to book your appointment.

Here are some links that will surely shed light on your path of transformation from a holistic and very transpersonal perspective.


🧚♂ If you want to know the meaning of other numbers, Holistic Numerology 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777 ,888 ,999 ,1010 and more. You have an amazing playlist on my channel

CHAKRAS Psychology Course - a Holistic and Transpersonal Perspective

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