Alejandra León

The importance of healing with the ancestors

"I_in the midst of this feeling of loneliness I begin to feel my grandmother, I feel her arms cradling me as when I was a little girl.

I feel how her hands caress my back in a circular way, they support me, they support me, they hold me, they reassure me..., they calm me down.

My fear and loneliness fade away as I look small and hear in a whisper "it's all right, it's going to be all right.

My mother, my grandmother, my great-grandmother, are present to welcome me in their womb and allow me to sleep and dream while I fall deep in their arms.

One of the main tasks we have in this life is to identify and release the patterns of behaviors and beliefs that we have inherited from our ancestors. Our maternal and paternal lineage have a notorious influence and often condition us and can even distort our perspective on life.

These are not only ideas that have been transmitted to us, but also beliefs that we have adopted without realizing it. In many cases we do not even realize that we have them, only that at the time of acting, most probably, it will be them and not our ideas that condition our actions.

Therefore the importance of recognizing our mistakes, see if we repeat circumstances, etc., and adopt the necessary therapy to correct the imbalance. Healing with ancestors,, psychotherapy, family constellations, or any other technique that works on reconciliation and forgiveness of those who came before, can be of great help.

Our fathers and mothers inherit all the stories that their ancestors have not healed, hence the importance of healing, because if we do not, our children will also be conditioned by them. In this way we can create a new family history, a new life free of ties that restrict the freedom of expression and manifestation of the free flow of life; much more if we think that these patterns are not who we really are, they are only depriving us of living just that.

Once we have emancipated ourselves from this form of expression, we attract the situations, opportunities, partners, work that suit us best. Everything in our life flows in a healthier and easier way.

You may be at the beginning of your healing journey, you may be in the middle of your journey, you may be in a time of struggle, change, integration

Whatever time you are in, remember that it is not necessary to walk the path alone.

I hope this information has been useful to you, and if you want to work on your emotions and process, do not hesitate to contact contact.

Thank you for reading and sharing.


Dreamcatcher Oracle