Alejandra León

Meaning of 9 - 99 - 999 - 9:09 Guides - Numerology - Tarot Therapeutic Tarot

You are seeing the number 9 - 99 - 999 - 9:09 everywhere, plates, phone, etc ... and you want to know what it means the message that your guides have for you.
In this video I will talk about the meaning of the number 9 message of the angels and guides, numerology and therapeutic tarot. A holistic perspective that will help you understand all these messages.

Meaning 9 - 99 - 999 - 9:09 with Guides and Guardian Angels

The 9 represents a complete journey - its beginning and its end - because as soon as it ends, a new cycle begins from the number 1. In this way, it reflects the value of infinity, it reflects the totality of the worlds, since each of them is represented by a triangle: MIND BODY SPIRIT. I FEEL - I THINK - I ACT/ FATHER SON SPIRIT.

Why are you seeing the angelic number 9?

  • In Chinese Mythology, Nine is the number of the celestial spheres since nine steps were needed to reach the imperial throne. To the Chinese, this number represents a good omen, while to the Japanese it represents the opposite.
  • 9 represents integrity and wisdom.
  • 9 is used 49 times in the bible.
  • 9 square of 3
  • 3 number divine perfection (holy spirit)
  • 9 the early christians said there were 9 orders of angels 9 heavenly hierarchies
  • 9 new scale of God to man numbered by dsne in the divine comedy
  • 3 triangles represent the three aspects of man: mind - body - spirit All-encompassing Universality
  • The color of the 9 Red, the color of humanitarianism, understanding of others.
  • The 9 worlds of Norse mythology
  • Where Pythagoras taught was dedicated to the 9 muses of Greek mythology.
  • 33 degrees Masonry 3*3 =9
  • 9 months of gestation
  • For psychology there are 9 stages in the life of human beings.
  • According to Numerology, life moves in cycles of nine years, and each year we have to live a different lesson, depending on the personal year in which we are, until completing the cycle; each one that passes increases the degree of difficulty of the lessons to live, it will be the same theme, but with different circumstances and characters, which will allow us to somehow anticipate the lesson to live.
  • For the Mexica, after death a person had to venture a long way through nine dangerous levels for four years to reach the sacred precinct of the Mictlan.

What does it mean if you see 9 -99 -999? Numerology

The 9 is the ultimate Elemental Number and, as it contains all the others, is considered a symbol of group consciousness. It represents understanding, realization, universal love and compassion.
It is generous, tolerant, patient, attentive, agile, altruistic. It is capable of moving great resources in favor of a cause and is completely dedicated to it, sometimes at great personal sacrifice. Concerned for the welfare of all, he likes to help, to be useful, to serve and is endowed with great faith.
It is known as the number of spiritual awakening, love and Karma. When this number appears next to you, it means that you should serve humanity and be a positive example to the people around you. Connection with your leader.

This number is related to inner strength and inner wisdom, responsibility, creative energy, loyalty, freedom and tolerance.

It means that you have to use your skills and talents to serve other people.

Invitation to become aware of your own abilities and powers.

In addition, we can say that the number 9 is a sign for you to end a certain phase of your life. It can also refer to your relationship or any other situation that no longer serves you.

The angels send you the number 9 to remind you that it is time for something **new in your life. It's time to let go of the past and embrace the changes that are coming soon.

It is also important to say that when you see the number 9 it could mean that someone needs your help and assistance. It could be someone in your family, your partner, your friend or any other person close to you. Therefore, you should look carefully and be ready to help the people around you.

The number 9 is also a sign that you should believe more in your own instincts and intuition. You should always do what you think is right, but be open to messages from your guides and angels. Paying attention to better understand your role in this world and your connection to the universe.

This number appears in your life the moment you have enough life experience to take control of your life. Angel number 9 is a blessing sent directly from heaven. You are ready to overcome the difficulties of life that lie ahead and to fight against life's challenges.


What does angel number 9 mean in spirituality?

You need to think about your life and your goals. Place yourself in your life coordinate system, think about where you are right now and where you want to be.

Divine forces are pushing you to use your abilities to make the world a better place. You need to discover your hidden talents and change the world.

To change the world, you must start with yourself. Delve into the hidden corners of your soul and find a new personality in your spirit. The angels remind you that it is time for something new.

Once you change your personality, you are ready to change the people in your compound. You need to develop a positive attitude and spread it to the people you love. Give them a new perspective and help them see the positive side of every situation.

What is angel number 9 - 99 - 999 trying to tell you?

If you are facing a life-changing decision and you are looking for help from heaven and the number 9 starts to appear in your life, it is a clear sign that
You are ready. You couldn't do it before, you just weren't ready for it. Now you have enough experience and you can step forward.

Your spirit is rising and you need to take advantage of this momentum. Get out of your comfort zone and change your destiny.

The universe is telling you to look deep into your soul and you will find the answers you are looking for. When you become aware of your position in this world, it will be easy for you to define goals

Meaning of 9-99-99 with Guides and Guardian Angels

The number 9 will give you a new perspective on your life, love and relationships, by changing your inner glasses you will see everything in a new way.
Who knows, maybe someone among them is the love of your life, but you didn't see it that way.

By sending you this number, your angels remind you to appreciate yourself.

Being aware of the fact that you are not sent into this world just to eat, sleep and work is necessary. Realizing that can take you halfway to the fulfillment of your life's purpose.

People often oversee their abilities and stay in the same place all their lives. Try to avoid being one of those. Perhaps your good example can inspire others. The universe has a great plan for you.

If you feel alone in this world from time to time, try not to panic. I'm sure everyone feels that way from time to time.

Feeling lost and abandoned from the rest of the world is normal.

When those thoughts occupy your mind, try to keep a cool head and remember that your angels have your back now and forever. Their support will never be lost.

What are the messages that the number 9-99-99-99-99-99-9:99 wants to communicate to me?

Learn to forgive and let go

The ability to forgive is not something people are born with. It is something we learn all our lives. If we store all those bad feelings under our chest, the more pain we are causing ourselves.

If you're asking me, being honest with others and, more importantly, with yourself is your only path to true happiness.

Try to find your own way of seeing things. Listen to your inner voice, that alone matters.
Getting to the right course

Divine forces are preparing you for a new beginning. Maybe you are feeling a bit down right now and are not satisfied with your current position in your personal life or in your professional area.

Still, there is no room for panic. Everyone needs time to grow and evolve.

When we think about the future we don't think about the obstacles we are going to encounter, we unconsciously think that everything will be easy and without too much effort.

Unfortunately, reality works in other ways and sometimes we need to fight every little battle to the best of our abilities. Our angels are there to remind us that we are not alone in our struggles.

Angel number 999 opens up new possibilities ahead and you must be ready for it You just need to get rid of the fear and move forward. Get rid of the heavy burden of the past and move on.

There is no room for panic as these will be positive changes and you can consider yourself blessed.

You will overcome the obstacles that life gives you and all that courage will help you become a better person.

Obstacles and challenges are taking us out of our comfort zone, we think more, act more and grow more as human beings.

Your spirit is ready for a new adventure and you need to follow your heart.

You need to stop for a moment and ask yourself: Who am I and how can I achieve my life goals?

Trust that all the information, guidance and assistance you will need on your path will be provided by the angels and the Universal Energies.

Angel number 999 is a strong message for you to dedicate yourself fully to your life's mission without delay.

Angel number 999 encourages you to express your unique and true self and weave love into every aspect of your life and base your life on the principles of acceptance, integrity, compassion and cooperation.

Realign with your heart and soul and discover your true nature and soul purpose. You have powerful energies within you and they should be used to enhance your own life and the lives of others. Listen to your inner yearnings and intuition and move forward with your highest ideals, perceptions and ideas. Trust that you can find a comfortable balance between your material, family and spiritual path.

Remember that you are living a cycle process of life and death and rebirth.

One thing the number 9 teaches us is that we must follow our calling. Many people say that what they call to must be what they have studied for. They think their calling is something they are extremely good at. That is not true, because their calling is the one thing they have had inside them for a long time. It is something that is creating a positive and exciting future for you. It's something you know would make you happy.

The last message sent by the digit 9 itself would be to try to release the pressure of creating the perfect future. Planning your day in advance or planning your goals for the month is good, as it gives you a sense of connection with yourself and a sense of creativity. However, one thing you should not do is plan years and years in advance. . Enjoy the process and believe in yourself.

Connection between the 9 - 99 - 999 - 9:09 and the Therapeutic Tarot

The NINE arcana speaks to us of the three ternaries, which correspond to the three cosmic planes; physical, mental and spiritual.
The reunion of all of them in ONE gives rise to enlightenment. It refers us to the principles of life, light and love. Without life, love could not manifest, and without light it could not be seen.

The arcane nine or THE ERMITAIN is the set that implies this perfect coordination of the elements for the illumination of the BEING.

It comes after the one called JUSTICE number 8, for only when one channels oneself and sees oneself, can one do justice to others; the Hermit is our most healing side, it is this card that will help us to reach the ideal states of solitude without depressive problems.

The Hermit represents a wise old man. It symbolizes the voice and wisdom of experience. It is also the symbol of Saturn and time.

The Hermit can also be designated as The Shaman, or The Ascetic. The meaning of this card is subtle as it relates to solitude and deep thoughts. However, this does not mean withdrawal from social life. Even when accompanied, the person can find solace in himself.

It may also suggest that the client needs some time to collect him/herself, to think or put ideas in order. This process may involve emotional and spiritual growth. The meaning of The Hermit is also associated with wisdom that is acquired with age and experience, throughout life. It also recommends caution and patience.

Impatience and age-related issues are predominant. Isolation, loneliness, age-related issues may be placed on the table.

Key words: Caution, discernment, wisdom that comes from experience, discretion, detachment, detachment, patience, life experience.

Key Expressions: Seeking inner wisdom, nurturing spirituality, fear of revealing a secret, feeling that wisdom may be a burden, desire for solitude, seeking advice or guidance, detachment in relation to a certain relationship.

**Advice: Knowledge is inner.

  • Excessive verbosity (people who talk too much and do not shut up).
  • The need for introspection
  • Intuition and the mysterious side of life.
  • Falling in love with people, hobbies and situations.

There are those who instead of conversing, "vomit" on us the contents of their mind, and get entangled in an infinite chatter that leaves them very relieved and us with a tremendous headache...

It may also happen that this is your case and you act like this without realizing it...

Two questions that I propose to you as a result of this reflection are the following:

  • What are your conversations like (we analyze many things in our lives, but rarely conversations)?
  • How could you say fewer words but with more meaning?

Explore the unique fusion of creativity and spirituality with the Coloring Book Tarot , an immersive experience that invites you to bring cosmic energies to life through art and divination. Available now on Amazon, this tarot deck will guide you on an introspective journey as you color each card, creating a personal connection to the universal forces that shape your destiny. Discover the art of illuminating your path with sacred colors and symbols.

Here are some links that will surely enlighten you on your path of transformation from a holistic and very transpersonal perspective.

🧚♂ If you want to know the meaning of other numbers, Holistic Numerology 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777 ,888 ,999 ,1010 and more. You have an amazing playlist on my channel

CHAKRAS Psychology Course - a holistic and transpersonal perspective


🧚♂ If you want to know the meaning of other master numbers, numerical synchronicities or messages from angels 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 1010 and more you have an incredible playlist on my channel

Dreamcatcher Oracle