Alejandra León

I want you to love me more!

Interesting reflection when we are talking about love, couple and family.

Each couple's relationship is a world, it has its own characteristics, rules, customs, habits, ways of expressing or not expressing; therefore it is important to identify what are the agreements, guidelines, patterns and demands in the relationship?

The exchange between give and take is an indispensable condition for a successful relationship. However, it must be taken into account that there are people who cannot give everything, and others who cannot take everything. Everyone is limited in what he can give and what he can take. Thus, a limit is placed beforehand on the giving and taking.

A successful couple relationship also implies that one does not give more than the other can take, and that one does not take or want more than the other can give. This, at the outset, is a limitation. But, interestingly enough, once one is psyched in this sense, giving and taking can still increase later on.

Sometimes, one partner says to the other, "I want you to love me more!"> Thus, the other never knows when the wish has been fulfilled. On the other hand, if he says, "Come with me for a walk for half an hour," the other knows exactly when he has fulfilled the wish. It is important to say it concretely. Otherwise, the other feels pressured by an expectation that he cannot fulfill. Consequently, he gives nothing, because it is too much for him. The concrete description of what one wants is important for both.

Men and women are different - as you may have already noticed. And they are not only different in the physical aspect, but on all levels. When a person embarks on a partnership, they embark on something that is foreign to them. The man enters into a relationship with the woman, and the woman is an enigma to him. On the other hand, for the woman, the man is also an enigma. Some people think that they are fine and the other is still not quite fine.

Berth Hellinger

Recognizing that the other person has the same value as you, even if he/she is different?

Do you feel that there is good communication with your partner?

Do you know how to ask clearly for what you need?

Are you afraid to ask your partner for what you want?

I hope this information has been useful to you.

Remember: You are going through a process of change and you need a guide, a helping hand to help you improve your life as a couple, well-being and emotional health, do not hesitate to get in touch.


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