Alejandra León

I love you unconditionally

Beautiful story that allows us to reflect on our way of being, of relating, of having expectations.

Remember, when you meet someone, think that as you consider him/her, so you will consider yourself. As you treat him/her, so you will treat yourself. As you think of him/her, so will you think of yourself. Never forget this, for in your fellow men you either find yourself or you lose yourself.

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE (Hopi Indians) You are unique and different from all others.

Without reservation or doubt, I allow you to be in the world as you are, without a thought or word of judgment...I see no error in the things you may say, do, feel and believe because I understand that you are honoring yourself by being and doing what is true for you.

I cannot walk through life with your eyes nor see it through your heart. I have not been where you have been nor experienced what you have experienced, seeing life from your unique perspective.

I appreciate you exactly as you are, being your own unique spark of infinite consciousness, seeking to find your own individual way of relating to the world. Without reservation or hesitation**, I allow you every choice** to learn in the way that feels right for you. It is vital that you are your own person and not someone I or others think you "should" be.

To the best of my ability, without denigrating or compromising myself, I will support you in that.

I cannot know what is best for you, what is true for you or what you need, because I do not know what you have chosen to learn, how you have chosen to learn it, with whom or over what period of time.

Only you can feel your inner excitement and hear your inner voice, I only have mine. I recognize that, although different from each other, **all ways of perceiving and experiencing the different facets of our world, all are valid.

Without reservation or hesitation, I accept the choices you make at any given moment. I do not pass judgment on this because it is imperative that I honor your right to your individual evolution, because it empowers that right for me and for all others. To those who would choose a path that I cannot or would not walk, and though I may choose not to add my power and energy to that path, I will never deny you the gift of love that God has bestowed upon me for all of creation.

**As I love you, so shall I be loved.

**As I sow, so shall I reap.

Without reservation or hesitation, I allow you the universal right of free will to walk your own path, creating stages or standing still when you feel it is appropriate for you.

I cannot always see the bigger picture of the Divine Order and so I will not pass judgment on whether your steps are big or small, light or heavy or lead up or down, for this would only be my point of view.

**For it is the inalienable right of all life to choose its own evolution, and without reservation or doubt I recognize your right to determine your own future.

With humility, I bow to the realization that the path I see is best for me, that does not mean it is also right for you, that what I believe is not necessarily true for you. I know that you are guided as I am, following your inner enthusiasm to know your own path.

I know that the many races, religions, customs, nationalities and beliefs in our world bring us great richness and procure us the benefits and teachings of such diversity. **I know that each of us learns in a unique way to bring that love and wisdom back to the ALL. I understand that if there was only one way to do something, there would only need to be one person.

**I appreciate your unique inner light whether or not you behave the way I believe you should, even if you believe in things I don't. I understand that you are truly my brother and sister, even though you may have been born in a different place and believe in different ideals.

**The love I feel is absolutely all that IS.

I know that every living thing is a part of a consciousness and I feel a deep love for every person, animal, tree, stone and flower, for every bird, river and ocean and for all that is in the world.

**I live my life in loving service, being the best I can, becoming wiser in the perfection of **Divine Truth, becoming happier, healthier, and ever more abundant and joyful.

**Although along the way I may like you, feel indifference for you or dislike you, I will not stop loving you, honoring your uniqueness and allowing you to be you. This is the key to peace and harmony in our lives and on our Earth because it is the center stone of Unconditional Love.

Dreamcatcher Oracle