Alejandra León

Happy Teacher's Day

Happy teacher's day... to all those people who have accompanied me in the adventure of learning, to my parents, teachers who from simplicity and nobility have forged in me the essence of what I am; to my school teachers, those who believed in me and those who did not, especially the latter, because the refusals and reluctance, gave me the basis to fight despite the adversities and conditions, and show myself that I was capable.

To my teachers and professors of academic life, who often did not understand my way of approaching and seeing life, the steps I took to work psychology breaking rigid molds and letting myself be and feel from my perception and sensations.

Thanks to my great teachers who today are my friends, those who saw in me more potential than I could see at the time, it was their eyes that allowed me to see beyond and to be able to dream in a thousand different ways, enhancing all the good that is in me.

But especially, thanks to each of the people who have allowed me to accompany them on this journey of growth, they are my great TEACHERS, from whom I learn every day. They are my great TEACHERS, who teach me and raise doubts, questions, questions that make me go further, venture to continue learning and exploring worlds, some even unknown to me.

Infinite thanks to all of you, for being co-builders of my life every day.

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