Alejandra León

Forgiveness and Liberation Affirmations: Healing from Holistic Psychology

Welcome to a journey of transformation and liberation! On the path of healing and personal growth, releasing and letting go of the past is fundamental to make space for new experiences and free our life energy. From a Holistic Psychology perspective, we understand that our emotions and life events are interconnected, and releasing the past is essential to our present well-being. In this article, I will guide you through the benefits of affirmations for releasing and letting go of past situations, such as a past relationship, an old job, or a traumatic experience. We will also explore the importance of healing with our ancestors and family tree, using the powerful approach of family constellations. Get ready for an inner rebirth!

Let me introduce you to a powerful tool for reprogramming our beliefs and facilitating the process of letting go, letting go and releasing: forgiveness affirmations. These phrases, loaded with wisdom, touch the soul and remind us that we deserve tranquility, peace and abundance in our lives. I invite you to immerse yourself in a special audio of forgiveness and release affirmations that I have created from a holistic healing perspective. Repeat them regularly and allow them to penetrate deep within you, releasing blockages and opening space for love and wholeness.

Practices to enhance the power of affirmations:

In addition to affirmations, there are other healing practices that can complement and empower your release process. Here are some valuable tips for getting the most out of your affirmations:

  • Repeat your affirmations regularly: Make a commitment to yourself and repeat your affirmations of forgiveness and liberation regularly. You can say them out loud, write them in a journal or even sing them if you feel inspired. The more you repeat them, the more they will become integrated into your thought patterns, allowing you to shift your perspective and raise your vibration.

  • Practice mindfulness while using affirmations: As you repeat your affirmations, bring yourself into the present moment. Focus on the words and the energy they convey. Visualize your sacral chakra, the center of your life energy, glowing and spinning with strength and harmony. This practice will help you feel more present and connected to your body, empowering healing from the deepest part of your being.

  • Combine affirmations with other holistic healing practices: I invite you to explore other practices that nurture your liberation process. You can incorporate yoga postures focused on the hips and pelvis, meditation to cultivate inner peace, creative expression such as dance or art to release stagnant emotions, channeling and energy clearing sessions (see more in my therapies), as well as exploring healthy forms of sexuality and intimacy. All of these together will strengthen your path to healing and liberation.

Remember that change requires consistency, commitment and willingness. Let me accompany you on this path of liberation and personal growth, providing you with tools and guidance from Holistic Psychology. I invite you to listen to the affirmations, to allow them to resonate in your being and to pay attention to the sensations of your body. Together, we will create a sacred space for your transformation.

Join our holistic healing community and discover the freedom you long for!

With Love,
Alejandra Leon,
Mandeville, Louisiana

You can also go deeper in this wonderful open course of**Psychology of the CHAKRAS**.




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