Alejandra León

Attract the work you desire with this effective manifestation ritual

You are in a moment of job search, looking for a change, a new opportunity, a new start. Maybe you are looking for a job that makes you feel fulfilled, that allows you to grow professionally or simply increase your income. Whatever the reason, you are in the right place.

Today I want to share with you something very special: my ritual to find a job. A beautiful psychomagic act that can help you in the process of manifesting and attracting the job of your dreams.

This ritual, which works as a therapeutic technique developed by Alejandro Jodorowsky, seeks through symbolic acts to provoke a transformation in your consciousness. The idea is to create a powerful and transformative experience that allows you to access deeper layers of your psyche, both conscious and unconscious.

Finding your dream job can be challenging, but here I will share with you some keys from holistic psychology to help you in your search. In addition, I will teach you how to do the ritual and share with you a beautiful prayer that you can use if it resonates with you.

Don't miss these tips to succeed in finding the job you long for!"

Sounds good, right - let's get to it!

  1. start by understanding your skills, interests, values and what motivates you. Reflect on your past experiences and identify what you liked and disliked about them. This will help you identify the type of work and work environment that aligns with your career goals and personal values.

Identify your limiting beliefs regarding your skills and competencies to find your dream job.

  1. Prepare for the interview: Practice common interview questions and prepare to discuss your skills and experiences in relation to the job requirements.

  2. Listen to Affirmations that help you unlock your limiting beliefs. You have the link here.

  3. Energetically clean up your resume, and thank your previous jobs for what you have learned.

Now let's activate the energy for that process of attracting MANIFESTING and ATTRACTING the job of your dreams.

Remember: Do this when you feel positive energy.

What you will need

A plain glass cup
With water (you can use the water from the full moon)
White paper
Honey or brown sugar
A wooden stick or spoon
Purple pen

I hope this beautiful ritual will help you in the process of finding your dream job.

If you wish to explore more about Holistic Numerology, energy healing, Intuitive Message - Psychic Mediumship. I invite you to visit the following links that will provide valuable information.

🧚♂ If you want to know the meaning of other numbers, Holistic Numerology 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777 ,888 ,999 ,1010 and more. You have an amazing playlist on my channel

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